a flash fiction

my story of successes

when the whalewatchers gave me one bar of gold to hold their microphone and sing with the guitar that gently rings i ate two steaks, scallops, green onions, all seared in olive oil, rosemary, and crushed black pepper with the chancellor of germany, olaf sholz, who ate two beef patties and a fresh onion.

i didn't want to be prime minister of russia but mikhail mishustin during his previous term in office recommended the position to me, along with one thousand rubies, and i just thought, oh my goodness gracious, i'm all in !

i invented a paradigm of thirds, saying 3-6-9-9-6-3-that's-what-i-say-team-on-3-1–2–3—team!

i led covert cia grounds troop mission operative.

i swam in a shark tank as a magic trick in the festival circus of Portland, Maine where Mary met Shane.

I shattered a golfball with a film of quartz on an iron bowling lane for a magic trick and then shot a 300 with a bowling bowl that has my name on it and is light-shining-through-turquoise.

I invested in green energy in early 2023 and made a fortune by 2048.

I made a major paper plane fiasco over copenhagen with one hundred children who are in an all-male choir in bordeaux monestary, nigeria, while we led a marching band parade through a chanting monk's latin defamation of both the Sudan ruling junta and the competing rebel faction.

by Ben Bussewitz
